Friday, May 31, 2013

Letter form #2

The Letter Form project was an interesting project. It was cool making the letters intersect each other, but this project would have been more fun if we got to put some type of design in it other then just the letters. I wouldn't want to redo this, but if i had to i would try and fill the page with more letters to make it stand out more. I didn't put much time into it, so therefore it's not my best effort. 

Magazine Reflection

I really liked this project. Mostly because i got the chance to draw something i love, basketball. I had some problems with this drawing, but i worked around them.I took a lot of time on this, it took me about 1 week to do it. I ended up going through the last of it really fast just so i could get it done on time. If i could i would of taken more time on it, and put more effort in making the letters better. This was by far my favorite art project of the year! :) 

Water Color

This project was fun to work on. Making the colors have different shades was fun to try. Also, I liked how I could make the water color look different depending on how I used the paint brush. I did 4 different sheets, but 2 of them went missing. Overall i really liked doing this project. But if I could redo it i would try and make the background more realistic. I could have taken more time on it, but I still put a lot of effort it in.

Monday, May 13, 2013

4 Letter Project

I thought this project was kind of boring ( no offense puff-paff). I don't like drawing things that are just about letters. But I would say I did alright on it. If i would have taken my time on it, and put more work into it, then it would have turned out a lot better. One thing I could of done differently is design my letters better. I wouldn't want to redo this project though. It just wasn't something I liked doing. 

Our Own Items

This project was quite interesting. At first i didn't know what to put in it. My phone and headphones were the only things I could think of to put in it, but then i finally figured out some other things that could be in it. I liked this project, but not as much as some of the other ones. I could of done better on the drawing, I didn't really take my time on it, and if i would have the drawing would have been a lot better.

Spongebob Skeleton

This project was fun. I didn't do so good on the orgianl spongebob, his top is a little to big. So if i could redo this project I would fix that. I liked this project because making the skeleton part was tricky, but it made you think of what spongebobs skeleton would look like. I think i did good on this, and i would do it again if i had the choice.

Create a Character

This is one of my favorite projects this year. I liked it mostly because we got to design how we wanted our character to look like. I also liked how we had to make two seperate sheets and put them together to make it look like one picture. If I could redo this project i would take more time on the back ground drawing and painting. Overrall I think i did good on this project considering how awful I am at art. I really liked this one. :p